Tenancies will “change overnight’ once the Renters’ Rights Bill comes into force, Sean Hooker, of the Property Redress Scheme, has warned.
Speaking at this week’s National Landlord Investment Show in London, he told a crowd of thousands of landlords that they need to prepared for the changes ahead.
He said: “The biggest challenge landlords are currently facing is this legislation and it is going to have a massive impact. Tenancies will change overnight.”
The legislation is expected to come info force later this year, but exact timings are still unknown.
It is widely believed that the new legislation will come into force any time from June, through to the spring next year.
The widespread industry consensus, however, is from the beginning of October or later
The warning comes as the housing minister Matthew Pennycook said that the Renters’ Rights Bill would transform private renting.
He said: “The Renters’ Rights Bill delivers our manifesto commitment to transform the experience of private renting, including by ending Section 21 no fault evictions.
“The Bill will improve the current system for the 11 million private renters and 2.3 million landlords in England.
“It will give renters much greater security and stability so they can stay in their homes for longer, build lives in their communities, and avoid the risk of homelessness.”
The Bill was introduced in the House of Commons on September 11 last year and is now progressing through the House of Lords.