

Landlords should challenge tenants about their bad habits which lead to condensation mould or risk resulting health problems and higher maintenance bills, it has been claimed.
One large-scale portfolio landlord with properties nationwide - known as the Secret Landlord - says that with sky-high energy bills the problem will only get worse as people fear turning on their heating.
Writing in The Telegraph, she says that left untreated, spreading spores can cause illness.
Proactive landlords need to check the property for any water ingress such as through blocked gutters, boost insulation particularly in the loft and ensure trickle vents are open and that extractor fans work.
Anti-mould paint in bathrooms and kitchens can prevent the mould spores forming, but it's up to tenants to clean promptly as lifestyle habits are one of the main causes.
The landlord is always very honest with her tenants and is not afraid to tell them how simple changes such as slightly opening a window or making sure the extractor fan is working while showering or cooking can prevent a build-up and resulting condensation mould.
She also suggests that they always use covers on pans when cooking, a squeegee after showering, and to consider where evaporating moisture from drying clothes is going.
'I believe completely in the pro-active approach and will offer advice on inspections,'� she tells LandlordZONE. 'If a tenant starts to get condensation mould, I insist they use HG Mould remover and will re-inspect within a fortnight to ensure they have resolved the situation.'�
Her advice comes as the government announced that the PRS's new housing ombudsman will oversee complaints by private tenants about a range of issues including mould.