The NRLA’s chief executive has reached out to leading members of the Renters Reform Coalition to find common ground on issues including court reform and tenants keeping pets.
In an open letter to Crisis, the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health, Citizens Advice, Generation Rent, Nationwide Foundation and Shelter, Ben Beadle explains that although it won’t agree on all issues, it’s important to work together for the benefit of the sector.
“It’s time to end the divisive rhetoric which is giving the wholly inaccurate impression that the majority of landlords cannot be trusted, but rather recognise that both parties need to work together to have a successful tenancy,” he says.
Beadle adds that debate about the future of the private rented sector has become increasingly polarised as a battle between the needs of tenants on the one hand and those of landlords on the other.
The NRLA’s letter points to the potential to build common ground on the issue of the court system and asks the groups if they would be prepared to work with it in making a powerful joint call for reforms. It also asks for clarification on remarks made by the coalition’s Tom Darling who has implied that all grounds for repossession should be discretionary.
Beadle asks whether the groups would consider calling for guidance provided to the courts about what would constitute a reasonable reason to refuse a tenant having a pet - and to be as comprehensive as possible - not least to prevent inconsistent judgements.
He also asks for consenus on the Local Housing Allowance, and adds: “Would you be prepared to work with the NRLA in making a joint call on the government and the Labour Party to commit to reversing the unjust freeze on LHA rates with a commitment, at the very least, to re-link it to the 30th percentile of rents and uplift it accordingly each year?”