A “terrified” landlord has urged the government to reconsider large parts of the Renters’ Rights Bill which she believes will impact her business and increase homelessness.
In a written submission to the parliamentary committee, Maureen Roscoe, who has rented out five self-managed buy-to-lets in Greater Manchester including Salford (pictured) since 2001, says by removing fixed term tenancies, the legislation will spark more voids by tenants who are able to easily vacate a fit for purpose property at relatively short notice.
“I’m fearful that some tenants may simply walk away after two months of their eager take-up,” says Roscoe. “An unjustified or whimsical change of mind by a tenant would mean un-filled void periods in the academic year in HMOs and would collapse an HMO set-up as a joint tenancy.”
She also believes power handed to tenants to challenge the S13 annual increases - whereby tribunals can only rule that rent remains at the same level or is reduced - effectively means that rent frozen in time is rent discounted, year on year.
“That’s not survivable for a landlord because of constantly increasing overheads. My modest profit from rental income is exposed to the risks of rising costs - building materials, landlord insurance, boiler insurance and the costs of ever-increasing fire and safety legislation.”
Roscoe believes she will no longer be able to accept “high risk” overseas workers or students when rules around taking rent upfront are tightened and says the wording around pet damage insurance cover in the Bill is too vague.
“It’s the case that a pet insurance product can be easily purchased just to gain a tenancy, then cancelled - leaving the landlord unaware of a breach of the pet policy.”
She adds: “I feel I’m being punished by some proposals in the Bill, alongside the criminal, the careless, or absent landlord brigade. I am terrified by the impact that some aspects of the Bill will have on my business model and on the households for whom I provide mould-free, attractive homes.”