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Tory's Green campaigner slams Rishi over EPC U-turn

Laura Sandys epc u-turn

A key member of the recently disbanded Energy Efficiency Taskforce has expressed regret that it failed to launch any effective ideas.

The taskforce – dedicated to accelerating home insulation and boiler upgrades including for rented homes – was only set up in March but was a casualty of Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s green U-turn which also saw him ditch deadlines for landlords to meet EPC C by 2028. Instead, households are being “encouraged” to carry out the work.

The group aimed to support his ambition to reduce total UK energy demand by 15% from 2021 levels by 2030 across domestic and commercial buildings. When it was announced, the government said this would cut bills, help push down inflation and would include “accelerating household insulation and boiler upgrades”.

By scrapping it, critics fear the government has failed to grasp the importance of making homes energy efficient and believe it will only keep thousands of tenants in fuel poverty.


One of the taskforce members, Laura Sandys (main image), a former Conservative MP who also chairs the government’s Energy Digitalisation Taskforce, is confused about the government’s intentions regarding the cost of living.

“If people are at the heart of government agenda, energy efficiency must be the very first priority to reduce citizens’ costs, improve energy security with less energy required and cutting carbon emissions,” she Tweeted.

She adds that it had worked to develop a number of really important short, medium and long-term measures. “We hope government will adopt them but disappointed the comprehensive and strategic approach might not shine through.”

Energy efficiency minister Lord Callanan told the group its work would be streamlined into ongoing government activity.

Pic credit: South Thanet Conservatives.



