Landlords are being urged to fill in a survey on the state of the private rented housing market and some of the key topics likely to be affecting them in the coming months.
The seven-minute online poll is being carried out by redress scheme the PRS and follows a similar survey last year which some 3,000 landlords participated in.
Topics landlords are being asked about in the latest survey include their attitudes to tenants keeping pets in their properties, whether the private rented sector is fit for purpose, whether it offers ‘value for money’, how easy they find the key parts of tenancy management (such as collecting the rent or complying with legislation) whether they feel supported by the Government and which parts of the looming Renters (Reform) Bill worry them.
Last year’s survey revealed that, despite most landlords feeling that renting offered their tenants good value for money, 43.7% of them had changed their minds by the end of 2022.
Many mentioning having to increase their rent due to the rise in inflation and mortgage increases and shortage of properties as the main reasons for this.
Also, somewhat surprisingly 72.2% of landlords feel that the private rented sector is fit for purpose. Their main reasons for this are it provides a regular income, and the current regulation protects landlords.
And when asked what the three biggest challenges were, landlords replied that they included legislation (38.7%), rent payments (21.5%) and property maintenance (13.8%).