

Its producers are looking for landlords who need help with a nightmare tenant or letting agent and are happy to feature in the show.
Are you one of the millions of landlords who tune in to watch Channel 5's regular Nightmare Tenants Slum Landlords TV show?
If you are, and need help including ejecting a tenant who has failed to pay their rent or any other 'nightmare tenant' or 'nightmare letting agency' problems, then it's time to get in touch.
London-based Britespark Films, which has been making the TV show since 2015, is making its 6th series.
The highly popular and rated documentary regularly features the eviction services of Landlord Action's Paul Shamplina (pictured, above, during filming).
From the eviction of tenants who default on their rent as well as scam letting agents and housing enforcement teams cracking down on '�beds in sheds', the show has helped more than 200 landlords get their properties back.
If you are a landlord seeking help and are happy to have your case highlighted on TV, Britespark Productions would like to hear from you. Please email details of your story to abe.jacobs@britesparkfilms.com and also Paul Shamplina and the Landlord Action team will be happy to assist you Landlord Action