Following our recent article on property investment academies and the questionable activities of some operators, we asked the leading player in the market what should happen next. Last monthLandlordZONE shone a light into the famously Wild W
Thousands of people in the UK live rent free in return for providing services and sometimes, just companionship. But the sector is unregulated and such tenancies are a huge risk for both tenant and landlord alike. An investigation by Landlo
Storms & Floods : Given the severityof the bad weather and floods in some areas of the country recently,the past weeks have been an extremely anxious time for some tenantsand landlords. Unfortunately itappears that these worries are not goi
Section 21 : Not every landlordor agent would consider handling a possession claim themselves, butthe good news is, it can be done the system is designed for LIGs litigants in person. Everyone has theright to speak for themselves in co
Commercial Property :A commercial lease is based on contract law and a contractual agreement between landlord and tenant. The rules laid down are those as agreed in the lease agreement and are largely unencumbered by statutory rules, unlike the case with a residential tenanc
Holiday Lets : With the changes tothe tax rules many buy-to-let landlords are thinking of creative waysto overcome the loss of income. Their inability to claim tax reliefon their mortgage interest and the removal of their wear and tearallowance has made a
The Landlord & Tenant Act 1954 Part II deals with the leasing of Commercial (Business) Premises in England & Wales.Commercial (Business Tenancies) Landlord and Tenant Act 1954, Part II The Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 (the Act) is an important piece of legislation in
Its producers are looking for landlords who need help with a nightmare tenant or letting agent and are happy to feature in the show. Are you one of the millions of landlords who tune in to watch Channel 5s regular Nightmare Tenants Slum L
LandlordZONE understands that the huge task of sifting through 1,000's responses to the governments consultation on evictions reform, and the likely long process of getting the law through Parliament, will take at least 18 months. Landlo
A reduced supply of luxury rental homes in London is feeding into higher rents, which are now a third higher than before the pandemic, new research has revealed.
Labour MP Tom Hayes has launched a survey to quiz tenants and landlords in his Bournemouth East constituency, in a bid to fix the “broken” rented sector.
Liberal Democrat MP Sarah Dyke has called for WASPI women to be fairly compensated after one of her constituents was evicted.
‘Rentflation’ has cost young people an extra £1,616 on their rent bill in the past year, according to new data from Barclays.
Almost half of all private renters who receive Local Housing Allowance experience a shortfall between their payment and monthly rent, according to new analysis by the NRLA.
Landlords who fail to address damp and mould problems ahead of Awaab’s Law risk legal action, reputational damage, and significant fines, an air quality monitoring firm has warned.
More companies are registered to hold buy-to-let property than for any other type of business as investors seek to reduce their tax burden, new data reveals.
Landlords still have 'plenty of opportunities’ despite interest rates expected to remain on hold this week, a specialist lender has suggested.
The Renters’ Rights Bill could lead to an increase in the number of tenants being asked to provide a guarantor and to further discrimination, charities and campaign groups have warned
A letting agent ensures compliance with the Renters' Rights Bill and simplifies property management.
Landlords searching for a new deal will find the choice of buy-to-let mortgages has hit a record high, with 3,860 products available.
The National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA) has labelled the Spring Statement a missed opportunity to improve the chronic supply crisis in the private rented sector.
Landlords are profiting by selling before the Renters' Rights Bill, then reinvesting in post-Bill bargains.
The Government has started to “bring landlords into line”, but more needs to be done to tackle the pressures in the private rented sector, a Labour MP has suggested.
One in five renters has borrowed money that needs to be paid back for their five-week cash deposit, putting them in a precarious financial position before moving in.
Landlords struggling with “needlessly complex” HMO licence renewal applications are fed up and selling up, according to Portsmouth & District Landlords Association (PDPLA).
The search is on for Landlord of the Year as part of this year’s LIS (Landlord Investment Show) Awards.
Landlords will have to use the new Making Tax Digital for Income Tax Self-Assessment system, the Chancellor has confirmed.
The Spring Statement proved a missed opportunity for landlords and stamp duty, it has been suggested.
Tenants have been warned to know their rights following Chancellor Rachel Reeves’ announcement of a £2billion investment in 18,000 new social and affordable homes.
Landlords in Scotland have been warned to weigh up raising rents with risking void periods.
Concerns about whether new planning reforms go far enough to address the country’s housing shortage have been raised by estate agents.
Homelessness charities are requesting amendments to the Renters’ Rights Bill that would severely limit landlords’ right to use guarantor agreements
Inflation has dipped, boosting mortgage borrowers’ hopes of more interest rate cuts.
Average asking rents have risen to £557 a week, new Foxton figures have revealed.
Many flat sales are stalling due to a lack of meaningful progress on unsafe cladding repairs, estate agents have warned.
Landlords are being invited to a “five-star training day” to help them navigate the biggest changes in the rental market for 30 years.
Investors are targeting the Single-Family Housing (SFH) market as the booming sector aims to help fill the PRS shortfall.
A landlord company has failed in its bid to increase a tenant’s rent by 25% after a First Tier Property Tribunal heard that poor standards would lower the market rent.
The NRLA is hosting free "On Tour" events across England and Wales, offering expert advice on upcoming legislation. The first live Listen Up Landlords podcast will also be recorded to mark the NRLA's fifth anniversary. Details for the annual conference will be announced soon.
More landlords are investing in HMOs as higher mortgage costs prompt them to turn to larger properties with better returns.
A group of disgruntled landlords in Scunthorpe has succeeded in halting its new selective licensing scheme.
A new “crackdown on bad landlords” has been introduced by a London council.
Private tenants are paying £2,195 more on their annual housing costs than in 2022, according to Savills’ latest research.