A tax expert has urged BTL investors to use or lose their annual capital gains tax (CGT) exemption to avoid being landed with a big tax bill.
The Bank of England kept interest rates at 4.5% today amid fears that inflation is still a threat.
Newly qualified nurses can’t afford to rent privately in almost half - 45% - of local authorities in England, according to new analysis from Shelter.
Landlords must not to drag their heels when it comes to improving properties’ energy efficiency rating - or face potential issues with finding tradespeople and working with letting agents, a financial expert has warned.
A growing number of tenants in the build-to-rent (BTR) sector are using deposit alternative products as many opt to invest a lump sum instead of locking it away in a traditional cash scheme.
Benefit claimants must get the Government help they need once its welfare reforms take effect, an industry body has warned.
A reduced supply of luxury rental homes in London is feeding into higher rents, which are now a third higher than before the pandemic, new research has revealed.
Labour MP Tom Hayes has launched a survey to quiz tenants and landlords in his Bournemouth East constituency, in a bid to fix the “broken” rented sector.
Liberal Democrat MP Sarah Dyke has called for WASPI women to be fairly compensated after one of her constituents was evicted.
An Edinburgh landlord set-up hidden cameras in the bedroom and bathroom of his flat, to film people in bed and in the shower.The cameras were discovered by a young couple, friends of the landlord who allowed them to use the accommodation. The couple found a box on the living room table with a cam
Amongst the ways to agree or ascertain the (open) market rent at rent review or on renewal of a lease, (per s.34-s35 Landlord and Tenant Act 1954), is the use of comparable evidence.At rent review, the market rent for the premises is not what rent the actual tenant would agree or could afford, bu
There are two instances of section 20 notices in property in England:(1) is the notice served in relation to early shorthold tenancies under the Housing Act 1988, and the other,(2) refers to section 20 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985, as amended by the Commonhold and Leasehold Reform Act (CLR
Who pays for maintenance and repairs in a residential letting, landlord or tenant?Is it, for example, a tenants responsibility once they occupy my building to look after most of the regular house maintenance items? If the fridge stops working does the tenant or the landlord need to repair it?Y
With commercial property, rent reviews are generally to the open market rent, but sometimes the rent would be adjusted to the Retail Price Index (RPI). RPI is generally considered more favourable to landlords than CPI or other methodologies.There is no link between open market rent and inflatio
Amongst the thorny issues in the relationship between landlord and tenant is the building insurance premium. Unlike residential property where the landlord has a vested interest in making sure the premium is competitive, because more than likely the premium would not be recoverable from the tenan
Theres recently been a spate of press reports and political wrangling about the existence of Zero-Hour Contracts. This has become something of a hot political issue as we approach a general election, and one surprising development is recent attempts to embroil landlords in the issue, as if the
Traditionally, with commercial (business) leases, a contractual provision within the lease specifies the use, or uses to which a property may be put and the uses which are prohibited.The formal classification of Uses� are set out in the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 as a
As most Assured Shorthold Tenancies (AST) are by definition, short, there is usually no need for landlords to get involved in processing a rent increase.However, some ASTs run for long periods after the fixed term has ended, i.e., when the tenancy becomes a statutory periodic tenancy, hence there
There are more discrimination laws on the way under the Renters’ Rights Bill
Landlord Action is celebrating 25 years of successfully helping private landlords recover their properties.
A tax expert has urged BTL investors to use or lose their annual capital gains tax (CGT) exemption to avoid being landed with a big tax bill.
The Bank of England kept interest rates at 4.5% today amid fears that inflation is still a threat.
Newly qualified nurses can’t afford to rent privately in almost half - 45% - of local authorities in England, according to new analysis from Shelter.
Landlords must not to drag their heels when it comes to improving properties’ energy efficiency rating - or face potential issues with finding tradespeople and working with letting agents, a financial expert has warned.
A growing number of tenants in the build-to-rent (BTR) sector are using deposit alternative products as many opt to invest a lump sum instead of locking it away in a traditional cash scheme.
Benefit claimants must get the Government help they need once its welfare reforms take effect, an industry body has warned.
A reduced supply of luxury rental homes in London is feeding into higher rents, which are now a third higher than before the pandemic, new research has revealed.
Labour MP Tom Hayes has launched a survey to quiz tenants and landlords in his Bournemouth East constituency, in a bid to fix the “broken” rented sector.
Liberal Democrat MP Sarah Dyke has called for WASPI women to be fairly compensated after one of her constituents was evicted.
‘Rentflation’ has cost young people an extra £1,616 on their rent bill in the past year, according to new data from Barclays.
Almost half of all private renters who receive Local Housing Allowance experience a shortfall between their payment and monthly rent, according to new analysis by the NRLA.
Landlords who fail to address damp and mould problems ahead of Awaab’s Law risk legal action, reputational damage, and significant fines, an air quality monitoring firm has warned.
More companies are registered to hold buy-to-let property than for any other type of business as investors seek to reduce their tax burden, new data reveals.
Landlords still have 'plenty of opportunities’ despite interest rates expected to remain on hold this week, a specialist lender has suggested.
The Renters’ Rights Bill could lead to an increase in the number of tenants being asked to provide a guarantor and to further discrimination, charities and campaign groups have warned
Letting costs and complexity increase, while tenant affordability stalls...
The number of licensing schemes lined up to launch this year has already surpassed last year’s total, as councils continue to put the financial squeeze on landlords.
A landlord has avoided a £29,000 rent repayment order after a First Tier Property Tribunal ruled that he had been the victim of administrative failings by Southwark Council.
The huge changes that the Renters' Rights Bill will introduce for private landlords will be addressed by a panel of top experts at this year’s National Landlord Investment Show.
Tenants are likely to go after every plausible target when tougher rent repayment orders take effect later this year, a solicitor has warned.
The average number of new tenancies agreed per lettings agent branch climbed to around eight in the first month of this year, a new report has revealed
Haringey Council has introduced tougher fines for errant landlords in a bid to raise housing standards across the London borough.
A shrinking pool of rental properties continued to drive up rents last month, despite reduced demand from tenants