New Rules for Section 21 :Landlords and Agents need to be aware of the changes affecting Section 21 rules and Notices and other changes for the letting of residential properties in England (and in many cases Wales) introduced during 2015 . This article explains the new rules
Many landlords have long suspected that the DCLG approved national calculation methodologies and software programs were seriously flawed when they produced EPC ratings for buildings following energy assessments.So news that new software is being introduced which is claimed to be more accurate is
Serving Notices: Landlords and agents often get confused as to how they should serve Notices on their tenants.Ordinarily it wouldnt matter what method is used, but if you end up in court with a possession or money claim, or some such court action, then what and how you se
Tenant are Consumers: The UK Consumer Protection law applies to letting agents and landlords alike when they advertise a property to let or create a new tenancy. It also applies to most private landlords when they deal with letting agents, unless they operate as a company.
Obtaining Possession Using Section 21 Notices Updated October 2016This article explains how to gain possession of your residential rental property in the most efficient way possible. You may just want your property back for your own use, or to sell, or you may be having prob
Winter Condensation: Its that time of year again, a time when tenants are most likely to complain about the mould appearing in those corners of the property where the walls and ceilings are really cold, and hot air with moisture always rises to the top. If its black mo
Tax Relief: Starting from 6th April 2017, those landlords with mortgages will have tax relief on their buy-to-let mortgage costs gradually reduce over a 4-year period.Many landlords dont have a mortgage (up to 50% it is said), so this change does not affect them, but many
Rent Arrears: At this time of year, soon after the Christmas spending spree, inevitably rent payments begin to suffer. If you are having problems with rent arrears, this article should help.As in most areas of life,prevention is better than cure . To re
Tax Return 2016-2017: As a general rule, and as outlined in the previous articles in this series on tax returns, landlords can claim the expenses of running and maintaining their rental properties.If the rent you charge includes additional services like water, or council tax
Inflation has dipped, boosting mortgage borrowers’ hopes of more interest rate cuts.
Average asking rents have risen to £557 a week, new Foxton figures have revealed.
Many flat sales are stalling due to a lack of meaningful progress on unsafe cladding repairs, estate agents have warned.
Landlords are being invited to a “five-star training day” to help them navigate the biggest changes in the rental market for 30 years.
Investors are targeting the Single-Family Housing (SFH) market as the booming sector aims to help fill the PRS shortfall.
A landlord company has failed in its bid to increase a tenant’s rent by 25% after a First Tier Property Tribunal heard that poor standards would lower the market rent.
The NRLA is hosting free "On Tour" events across England and Wales, offering expert advice on upcoming legislation. The first live Listen Up Landlords podcast will also be recorded to mark the NRLA's fifth anniversary. Details for the annual conference will be announced soon.
More landlords are investing in HMOs as higher mortgage costs prompt them to turn to larger properties with better returns.
Almost £13million a week was raised in property taxes for the Scottish Government, new analysis has revealed.
Student rents could surge following the introduction of the Renters’ Rights Bill, say landlords, who have warned that it also discriminates against foreign students.
Landlords could face a hike in Capital Gains Tax (CGT) if the economy dips before the Autumn Budget, the Institute of Fiscal Studies (IFS) has warned.
Plans to Revolutionise the UK's Tax System will take a step forward from April 2028 when MTD will be expanded to include those earning more than £20,000 per year
A letting agent ensures compliance with the Renters' Rights Bill and simplifies property management.
Landlords searching for a new deal will find the choice of buy-to-let mortgages has hit a record high, with 3,860 products available.
The National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA) has labelled the Spring Statement a missed opportunity to improve the chronic supply crisis in the private rented sector.
Landlords are profiting by selling before the Renters' Rights Bill, then reinvesting in post-Bill bargains.
The Government has started to “bring landlords into line”, but more needs to be done to tackle the pressures in the private rented sector, a Labour MP has suggested.
One in five renters has borrowed money that needs to be paid back for their five-week cash deposit, putting them in a precarious financial position before moving in.
Landlords struggling with “needlessly complex” HMO licence renewal applications are fed up and selling up, according to Portsmouth & District Landlords Association (PDPLA).
The search is on for Landlord of the Year as part of this year’s LIS (Landlord Investment Show) Awards.
Landlords will have to use the new Making Tax Digital for Income Tax Self-Assessment system, the Chancellor has confirmed.
The Spring Statement proved a missed opportunity for landlords and stamp duty, it has been suggested.
Tenants have been warned to know their rights following Chancellor Rachel Reeves’ announcement of a £2billion investment in 18,000 new social and affordable homes.
Landlords in Scotland have been warned to weigh up raising rents with risking void periods.
Concerns about whether new planning reforms go far enough to address the country’s housing shortage have been raised by estate agents.
Homelessness charities are requesting amendments to the Renters’ Rights Bill that would severely limit landlords’ right to use guarantor agreements
Inflation has dipped, boosting mortgage borrowers’ hopes of more interest rate cuts.
Average asking rents have risen to £557 a week, new Foxton figures have revealed.
Many flat sales are stalling due to a lack of meaningful progress on unsafe cladding repairs, estate agents have warned.
Landlords are being invited to a “five-star training day” to help them navigate the biggest changes in the rental market for 30 years.
Investors are targeting the Single-Family Housing (SFH) market as the booming sector aims to help fill the PRS shortfall.
A landlord company has failed in its bid to increase a tenant’s rent by 25% after a First Tier Property Tribunal heard that poor standards would lower the market rent.
The NRLA is hosting free "On Tour" events across England and Wales, offering expert advice on upcoming legislation. The first live Listen Up Landlords podcast will also be recorded to mark the NRLA's fifth anniversary. Details for the annual conference will be announced soon.