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BLOG: The NRLA's 'Your Portfolio' is changing - here’s how

Get ready for better property management! The NLRA is paving a digital path for its members and the entire rental sector with the exciting relaunch of a revamped NRLA Portfolio. This sleek, a user-friendly update is set to make property management easier and more efficient than ever before.

Here James Kent, the NRLA’s Chief Innovation Officer and founder of the digital compliance platform Safe2, explains how the platform is smarter, faster and more intuitive than ever.

NRLA Portfolio, which already supports more than 30,000 homes across England and Wales, has undergone a dramatic transformation.

With the digital evolution of NRLA in full swing, the Portfolio software has been reborn with a dramatic new look and enhanced functionality.

Evolving into a one-stop shop for managing rental properties through NRLA accounts, it has been meticulously redesigned, incorporating valuable feedback from more than 5,000 active users.

The updated system now offers a seamless onboarding experience, tailored to each landlord’s specific needs, ensuring they can navigate and utilise the platform with ease from the get-go.

New users will discover a comprehensive explainer, outlining the platforms key features, ensuring that every landlord, from novice to expert, can fully harness the power of NRLA Portfolio to streamline their property business.

 Improved dashboard 

Since the inception of Portfolio, the NRLA’s innovations team has been developing, testing and honing the platform to make it as user-friendly as possible, which is where the new dashboard comes in.

This has been pared-back in response to member demand, with some data moved to other areas of the site, while displaying new, relevant statistics – not least key dates for safety certificate renewals and a list of properties uploaded.

There are also links to useful ‘help centre’ articles.

By making these changes we have reimagined the dashboard as a ‘launchpad’ for the rest of the platform.

Property Completion Score

Another completely new feature to be added to Portfolio is the ‘Property Completion Score’. This figure will alert members to outstanding data that needs to be added or actions to be taken to be sure they are getting the most of all the features it has to offer.

If properties are completed to 100% it means they will get automated reminders on everything from safety certificate dates, to mortgage and insurance renewals – and any compliance issues that may arise.

It also directs members to the area in which they need to input the data.

With 30,000 homes already listed on the free platform – and more members joining all the time – there is no better time to sign up and let us offer you a helping hand on everything from creating tenancies to managing maintenance.

Up next 

With a feature list as long as your arm, some of the new features you’ll see this year are:

• Property listings and tenant find services

• Open Banking  

• More partner integrations

How do I get started?  

To find out more about Portfolio and set up your own account, go onto the NRLA website and click on ‘My Portfolio’ in the top right-hand corner. This will allow you to log in the portal and start adding your properties. 

With updates ongoing in response to member feedback, the Portfolio offer is constantly developing and improving. For further updates and the very latest news on Portfolio, keep an eye on our news site and social media channels.  



