For landlords who thought they'd left their problems behind in 2023, think again. 2024 isn't letting up, and the system continues to be unfair for a growing number of them.
The Guardian recently highlighted a report from Hamptons that said in the last year landlords will have sold 294,300 more homes than they have bought since 2016.
For a landlord based in Liverpool, he couldn't agree more. Rushing to sell his entire portfolio of old build houses through Landlord Sales Agency, he's just one of thousands of landlords across the UK who are frustrated and angry and want to get out.
It's just not maintainable. Even with higher rents, mortgage rates have squeezed us past breaking point. You either sell and get out now, or face fear of repossession if you can't make the payments. What's worse, if you try to raise rents enough to cover costs, you're going to end up with a load of empties because tenants simply can't afford it.
The solution is clear: get out now while you still can.
There's still time. In the last month alone, over 250 landlords contacted Landlord Sales Agency to sell their rental properties, and we’re delivering.
Comprised of a team of the UK property industry’s leaders, we’ve developed a reputation for being the number one solution to go to for landlords looking to sell. We’re able to take entire portfolios off your hands, or sell individually, no matter what the tenant situation is, or the condition of the properties. Connecting your buy-to-lets with our database of over 30,000 private buyers, a network of nationwide estate agents, local agents, and – if you need even more offers – our own private buying fund. Our process generates a bidding war to drive up prices to ensure you’re getting the price you want. Most of our properties sell within 21 days.
We’ll also manage the entire sale for you. We know that right now landlords are more stressed than ever before. That’s no problem for us. All you have to do is get in touch, and we’ll manage the entire protect for you including negotiating with tenants, creating video tours of your properties and even funding refurbs to get you higher prices, depending on the property. On top of that, we have a team of builders who can jump in and help and we’re happy to take on the costs – no problem, we’ll simply make those costs back on the sale.
While landlords still need to be realistic on price – it’s a tough market out there - we’re extremely confident that we can get you what you need to exit the market before the bills start mounting.
When a landlord approached us with a portfolio of 5tenanted properties that spanned from Staffordshire all the way up to Newcastle Upon Tyne, like many landlords who’ve been approaching us recently, he wanted to sell up his portfolio fast to get out, but for the best possible price. We promised him exactly that. With a mixture of marketing to our entire network including investors and first-time buyers, we were able to drive up the prices to ensure he was happy with the sale.
The first property sold in 2 days. 10 days after that 2more sold. By day 24 the fourth property had sold in Durham, and by day 26 the last and final small property was sold in Lancashire. The fifth property was sold to a buyer who was so happy with the photos and the video tour we’d got from the tenant, he made an offer without even viewing the property.
The only task the landlord had done throughout the sale was make the decision to contact us to sell. We handled everything else.
It really was that simple. £500,000 made in 26 days with zero hassle, worry or stress.
The landlord was able to sit back and enjoy just over 3 weeks of relaxation knowing he had the best team in the UK solving every single challenge for him.
So get in touch today: we’ve got the team to help you get cash in the bank before March. It’s time to cut your losses, and start re-investing elsewhere.