It’s been a whirlwind year for NRLA training, with record numbers of landlords taking courses, and, not one, but two national Best Property Education Provider awards.
From new landlords to seasoned investors, NRLA Training Academy offers something for everyone, with affordable online and in-person learning that can save landlords thousands of pounds in the long run.
The academy offers more than 40 courses on everything from tax and finance to compliance and property investment with face-to-face classroom courses, virtual eClassroom and remote, self-study eLearning all on offer.
With almost 170 rules and regulations affecting the private rented sector it’s vital landlords keep up to date with their responsibilities, with courses on offer for members – and non-members – at all stages of their landlord journey, as well as specialist training for landlords with specific types of property, for example, HMOs or student lets.
We also offer training on the financial side of property investment, on everything from property tax to buying at auction and refurbishments; and landlords can also study for nationally recognised qualifications including the Managing Property and Residential Lettings Level 3 Award and Certificate, which were developed alongside awarding body Ascentis.
In response to member demand, the training academy is expanding, launching three new courses in 2024:
· Property Standards & HHSRS
· Dealing with Anti-Social Behaviour
· Customer Service and Tenancy Relationships
These follow the addition of a number of other courses, over the last four years, including training on tackling hoarding, and a suite of courses introduced in response to the current cost-of-living crisis, giving landlords the tools they need to support their tenants.
With online options becoming increasingly popular over recent years, we have continued to research best practice for delivering virtually; and have worked with digital learning specialists to ensure course materials are of the very highest quality and that learners are enjoying a fully interactive experience.
In addition to training individuals, the NRLA also offers bespoke training packages to groups, companies and councils, tailored to the organisation and delivered by our specialist trainers.
These include local authority specific HMO licensing courses and Selective licensing courses with more than a thousand landlords trained over the last 12 months.
The Academy also administers the NRLA Accreditation Scheme which allows landlords to evidence their commitment to high property standards by earning Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points, with almost 5,000landlords accredited this way last year.
The NRLA Training Academy is here to help you run a compliant – and profitable lettings business, so why not browse out latest courses on the training pages here to find out more about what we can do for you.