A new DIY lettings service for landlords has launched whose founder says will make it the biggest letting agent in England
Hello Neighbour is following up its full-service offer with an end-to-end self-service option that allows landlord to conduct the entire rental process without leaving the site.
Founder Richard Jenkins (pictured) says his platform can produce a property advert and arrange viewings. Offers are then made online, which landlords can accept or reject, and tenants can also make requests such as keeping a pet which, when agreed, are all included in the contract.
Full referencing is included plus Right to Rent checks, while all licensing and safety certifications are managed online, as well as the first month’s rent collection and deposit registration.
Priced at £200 as a one-off fee, it’s a big drop from the full-service offer which includes photography, accompanied viewings, and a personal account manager for £1,200.
“Mortgage rates have put pressure on landlords to find alternative ways to do things, while they also want to be more in control,” Jenkins tells LandlordZONE.
He explains that unlike some other online letting sites, Hello Neighbour lets landlords conduct block viewings and speak to someone if they have a query, while there’s also a big focus on compliance. “The site won’t allow people to sign contracts unless they have completed compliance, which protects both parties,” he says.
The typical landlord already using its site has between one and four properties, with younger landlords determined not to give high street letting agents their cash when buying their first BTL, proving particularly keen users. Jenkins adds: “We’re very excited about the launch and believe we can become the biggest letting agent in England.”
The self-service offer is launching in London but will be rolled out across the country in the next year.