The NRLA has joined forces with property leaders to call for the next government to pass the Renters (Reform) Bill as a matter of urgency.
In a statement, the landlord group, along with Grainger - the UK’s largest residential landlord - the British Property Federation and estate agency giant the Leaders Romans Group, insist reform of the rental market should be a key priority after Thursday.
The statement says: “Renters, landlords and letting agents have faced five years of uncertainty over plans to end Section 21 ‘no fault’ repossessions. With all the main parties’ manifestos committed to delivering rental reform, it’s time to bring the issue to a conclusion.
“Only this approach will enable the sector to look forward and unlock the investment in new housing that renters desperately need and deserve.
“The Renters (Reform) Bill to end Section 21 was well on its way through Parliament before the election with broad support, and Labour has said it could have ‘happily’ agreed it in the ‘wash up’ period.
“The best way for the next government to achieve their objectives would be to resurrect this Bill as a matter of urgency.”
Rishi Sunak has pledged to pass the Bill if re-elected and to deliver the court reforms necessary to fully abolish Section 21, while Labour has promised an immediate end to Section 21 in its manifesto.
Last week, shadow housing minister Matthew Pennycook told Sky News: “We took the Bill through Parliament. We took it right to the end, got to the wash up, we said to the Government we would happily pass this. It’s not perfect, we wanted to see it strengthened, but renters are so desperately in need of greater rights and protections we will see it through.”