Landlords in Northern Ireland are being reminded to renew their registration or face a heavy fine.
Those who registered or renewed with the Landlord Registration Schemeduring January, February and March 2021 will now need to apply for the three-year scheme which also gives them access to a landlord helpline operated by Housing Rights.
The scheme was introduced in 2014 to improve tenant confidence in their landlords and increase landlords’ accountability by promoting good practice and ensuring they provide advice and help.
The central register provides information on the number of landlords in Northern Ireland and sends them regular updates on the duties and responsibilities of landlords and tenants aswell as providing education and support.
In a foretaste of what is likely to be introduced in England, those who fail to apply could face a fixed penalty of £500 or a court fine of up to £2,500. Landlords can renew their registration – which costs £70 online - two months prior to the end of their current registration.
Those who have registered under the House in Multiple Occupation Registration Scheme are exempt.
Tenants can search the register to see if a landlord is registered, while the Registrar can send information about them to a district council, the Department of Finance for rates, the Housing Executive for administering housing benefit and regulating HMOs, and the Department for Communities for Welfare Supplementary Payment and the housing element in Universal Credit.
Information including how to register and renew a registration is at NI Direct.