Labour has launched a broadside against bad landlords as it adds more flesh to its manifesto bone in a bid to win the ‘renter vote’.
This morning Angela Rayner (main image) has said her party will ban no-fault evictions, end rental bidding wars, ban upfront payments such as holding deposits and tackle mouldy properties via an 'Awaab's law' for the private rental sector.
“Our plan to build the homes we need is the key to making renting more affordable. Renters will be better off with Labour,” she says.
Rayner also says Labour wants to alleviate the crisis in private renting by building 1.5 million new homes over the next five years, and cracking down on extortionate rents although it has to date rejected rent controls in England and Wales but embraced them in Scotland.
During a not-so subtle dig at landlords and the Tories, Rayner adds that: “Labour will call time on a decade of Tory vested interest and put renters first.
“An affordable, secure private rented sector is vital for economic growth, allowing young people to save for a mortgage with more money in their pockets to spend in the day-to-day economy.
“Our plans will support good landlords but we are calling time on unscrupulous landlords strangling growth.
“Labour will take action to protect renters, with an immediate ban on no-fault evictions, an end to rental bidding wars and extended protections against damp, mould and cold.”
Ben Twomey, (picturted) Chief Executive of Generation Rent, comments: "The Labour party's commitment to supporting renters is welcome. The process of reform cannot be held back by landlords’ vested interests any longer and the next government must stand up to people profiting from weak tenants’ rights.
“Banning Section 21 ‘no-fault’ evictions was a promise by all major parties at the 2019 election, which the government failed to deliver, so we're pleased Labour has committed to doing this immediately.
“Ending Section 21 will empower tenants to raise complaints when needed and protect families from homelessness.”