Hyndburn Council wants to deter landlords from making the most of its cheap properties and ‘multiple deprivation’ by clamping down on HMO conversions.
The council, which is the local authority for Accrington and several other smaller conurbations to the east of Blackburn, is to bring in an Article 4 direction to make landlords apply for planning permission before converting an HMO in nine of its 16 wards.
Its report shows that the wards with a higher HMO/total number of dwelling ratio - Barnfield, Central, Church, Clayton-le-Moors, Netherton, Peel, Rishton, Spring Hill and St. Andrew’s - also have higher levels of crime than other wards in Hyndburn. It estimates that there are already 509 HMOs in the borough and wants to stop the spread.
The document explains that the upfront cost associated with buying or renting a property in Hyndburn are significantly lower for investors than many other areas in England.
“Given the low property prices, large number of vacant dwellings, high level of household deprivation and economically inactive population, lacking of extant Article 4 Directions for HMOs in place, Hyndburn has become a desirable place attracting private landlords.
“The areas with low property price and low level of multiple deprivation tend to attract the private landlords to acquire residential properties to convert them into small HMOs under the permitted development rights.”
It points to an increased number of HMOs, particularly clusters of small HMOs in these areas, which further intensifies issues such as increased level of multiple deprivation, high crime, housing disrepair and poor-quality accommodation, which lead to further reduction in housing demands and property prices.
“It is considered that the introduction of Article 4 Directions in those areas with the highest concentration level HMOs would offer a great opportunity to break the cycle of low property price attracting private landlords to convert dwellings to small HMOs under permitted development rights,” the council adds.
Nearby Blackburn with Darwen and Burnley already have Article 4 Directions governing HMOs.