Hundreds of thousands of landlords across the UK depend on letting agents to manage their properties and so we thought it fitting that one of the first people our new The LandlordZONE Podcaset series talked to should be the current public face of the industry.
She is Angharad or ‘Harry’ Trueman, President of trade body ARLA Propertymark and also boss of national chain Andrews’ lettings division.
During our 30-minute chat with her, which is available both to listen to or watch, she talks frankly about many of the hot issues within the private rented sector including landlords exiting the market, Labour’s renting reforms, the changing nature of landlording, the quality of service that letting agents provide and how more landlords and agents are women.
Before we interviewed Angharad, The LandlordZONE also spoke to leading landlord Suzanne Smith and after Angahard we also have a chat with Theresa Wallace that will be going live soon.
Theresa is head of The Lettings Industry Council and has spent many years working with Government to steer policy on the private rented sector so watch this space.