Scotland’s landlords and letting agents have warned that the country’s imminent rent controls will backfire.
The Scottish Association of Landlords (SAL) issued the warning ahead of the annual Scottish Letting Day conference in Edinburgh where Housing Minister Paul McLennan is expected to take part in a Q&A session. Attendees will be watching closely for any reassurance he can provide Scotland’s private rented sector.
SAL chief executive John Blackwood (main image) welcomes recent amendments to the Housing Bill, which contains the proposals, and says allowing landlords to increase rents above inflation, or up to 6% in rent control areas, gives them a ray of hope. However, he has cautioned that the legislation will punish landlords for doing the right thing.
Blackwood believes that the ban on raising rents between tenancies will mean landlords who keep rents low to help tenants in difficulty will be punished.
“Our annual conference is a chance for our sector to get together, connect, and share best practice,” he says.
“Conference also allows us to share our concerns about the hostility we have faced, evident in proposals like rent controls and a ban on raising rents between tenancies. We know that such controls will backfire, forcing landlords out of the sector and pushing rents up and supply down.
“We pride ourselves on providing good quality, flexible homes that suit our tenants’ needs and we look forward to hearing from the Minister about how the Scottish government plans to support us in doing so.”