Over two thirds of private renters in the UK believe it is ‘too easy’ for landlords to take advantage of tenants, much higher than the global average of 59%.
The claim has been made within a new report on housing conditions across the world following interviews with nearly 23,000 people by the IPSOS Housing Monitor.
The results from the UK, which show a large majority of tenants think the power imbalance between landlords and tenants is one sided, is clearly a key reason why both successive Tory governments, and now Labour too, have been so keen to introduce measures that make renting 'fairer'.
The IPSOS report also shows that 65% of those interviewed in the UK felt it is harder to buy or rent a home to ‘settle down in’ now than previously, rising to 71% of those aged under 35.
Also, just 19% of Britons believe that the housing market is on the ‘right track’, with 62% saying it is on the ‘wrong track’. Also, 60% of renters in the UK believe they will never be able to buy their own home.
The report comes at the same time that a Government spokesperson admitted to fellow MPs yesterday that ministers are keen to see landlords put at a disadvantage to other property buyers, and that recent 2% hike in stamp duty for second home and BTL buyers was part of that plan.
Labour’s Exchequer Secretary, Jame Murray (pictured), added: “At Autumn Budget 2024, the higher rates of SDLT for additional dwellings were increased by two percentage points from 3% to 5%.
“This measure will ensure that those looking to move home, or purchase their first property, have a greater advantage over second home buyers, landlords, and companies purchasing residential property.”