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Scots and English Labour disagree publicly over rent controls

rent controls

Scottish Labour have promised that their new MPs will push for rent controls, despite the national party coming out against them.

In its manifesto, Scottish Labour has vowed to reform the PRS and rebalance the relationship between tenants and landlords. It says: “We will implement our Fair Rents Bill proposals to limit rent rises and improve quality standards in the private rented sector. Scottish Labour will make it easier for tenants to challenge unfair rents.”

It would also place rent controls on student accommodation, encouraging new cooperative models through a student accommodation strategy.

Under leader Anas Sarwar (main image, left), the party hopes to increase its two seats – out of the 59 Scottish seats in the Commons – so that it can wield more clout. Other policies include a regulatory framework for short-term lets, including the licensing provisions and taxation of Airbnb to help protect housing stock in areas of high demand.


Scottish Labour has also vowed to end rough sleeping and committed to bringing forward legislation early in the next parliament which strengthens the legal framework around homelessness prevention.

Local authorities would have powers to help anyone threatened with homelessness and ensure that no one leaves an institution such as prison or hospital without somewhere to sleep. It also wants to build at least 120,000 zero carbon social houses over the next decade, with the aim of building 200,000 in that time.

A new National Housing Agency would be primarily responsible for the acquisition of finance, land and housing, dealing with derelict and vacant land, and acting as the prime mover in coordinating and driving housing delivery.

The party wants a national strategy for housing and disabled people, led by a disabled persons organisation, with a 10% target for new social housing, and properties that are fully accessible.

Picture credit: Anas Sawar/Twitter


rent cap
Rent controls

