The Conservatives’ anti-landlord policies have failed to win much favour among tenants who are most likely to vote Labour in the general election, it has been revealed.
An OpenRent survey has discovered that 37% of tenants are Labour supporters, a significant 32% remain undecided, while the number who plan to vote Tory (5%) lags behind the Green party (8%).
Dissatisfaction with the current government’s performance is notably high among renters, with 85% either dissatisfied or very dissatisfied. They are hoping for several key policy changes from the new administration, with 67% citing rent controls as well as better support for low-income tenants and housing benefits (54%).
Interestingly, despite strong campaigning for the abolition of Section 21, only about a quarter of tenants expressed interest in longer and more secure tenancies.
In contrast, landlords are standing by the Conservative party (25%), followed by Labour at 15% and Reform UK at 14%. Like tenants, 30% remain undecided about which party to support. However, most are fed up with the current government’s handling of housing issues, with 38% of landlords feeling very dissatisfied and 36% feeling dissatisfied.
Landlords have also expressed their hopes for the next government, including lower tax obligations on rental income (64%) and improved protections against tenant damage and rent defaults (62%). There’s also strong demand for a quicker, more efficient eviction processes (60%).
OpenRent founder Adam Hyslop (pictured) says its survey shows significant dissatisfaction with government policy from both tenants and landlords alike.
He adds: “These are real people, with real problems, and whichever party wins in July should take the concerns expressed by both sides of the rental market very seriously.”