Renter groups have called on the government to do more to tackle ‘out of control’ rents, as a government survey reveals that more than a third of landlords increasing rents on new tenancies did so by at least 15%.
The English Private Landlord Survey reports that nearly six in ten landlords (58%) increased the rent the last time they let to new tenants, and that 35% of these landlords put rents up for new tenants by 15% or more.
The survey reveals that 52% of landlords increased rent the last time they renewed or extended a tenancy, with a median increase of 8%, while 20% increased rents by 15% or more.
The proportion of those who increased the rent when renewing a tenancy this year was twice as high as it was in 2021 (26%) or 2018 (22%). However, the survey doesn’t mention the fact that many landlords raise rents when they’ve been charging under market rents for years.
The i Paper highlights the case of landlord Fiona McClean, 64, who has just sold the Hammersmith flat she rented out for nearly 20 years due to increasing overheads and more tenants’ rights.
She reports that the buyers – a limited company landlord firm – did some cosmetic work and have now raised the £1,050 rent to £2,500. McClean says: “No one wins in today’s market – neither tenants nor landlords.”
The Renters’ Reform Coalition wants the government to strengthen the Renters’ Rights Bill and commit to a commission to tackle the problem.
“For many landlords it seems the sky’s the limit when putting up rent,” says Lucy Tiller, policy and public affairs manager (pictured)
“These unaffordable rent hikes have real consequences for society. Every week they are forcing families out of their homes and communities.”