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Tenants union reveals 'day of protests' across London to push for rent freeze

london renters union|

London Renters Union will picket successful estate agents across the capital next week who it blames for pushing up rents to unaffordable levels.

Protests are planned in Tower Hamlets, Hackney and Crystal Palace on 3rd December by activists who have taken particular aim at Winkworth and Foxtons, which the union claims have 'raked in �29 million in letting revenue between July and September this year, marking almost 20% more than during the same quarter in 2021'�.

It accuses landlords and specifically estate agents of profiteering from inflation and the cost-of-living crisis, and reports that thousands of its members across London have faced unaffordable rent rises.

Rent freeze

The union has been inspired by the grassroots campaign Living Rent which encouraged the Scottish government to bring in a rent freeze and eviction ban last month, effectively freezing rent until March 2023.  

London Mayor Sadiq Khan has also repeated calls for the government to introduce a two-year private sector rent freeze in the capital.  

Lewisham councillor Sophie Davis, cabinet member for housing management and homelessness, told webnsote Eastlondonlines: 'Like the rest of London, private renters in Lewisham are currently facing huge increases in rents and the cost of living. Sadiq Khan is right to call for action from the government and we would welcome a rent freeze for private renters.

'We also need the government to finally deliver on its commitment to introduce a Renters Reform Bill with further protections for private renters, including the long-promised ban on no-fault evictions.'� 

Winkworth and Foxtons did not respond to requests for comment.

Picture credit/London Renters Union.



