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Have you been hit by the 'cost of landlording' crisis? Here's some help

alphaletz landlord softwarwe

There is a lot of talk at the moment about how rents are up by 11% across the UK and although I know it's tough on renters, landlord costs have, in many cases, doubled.

This includes mortgage premium payments following interest rates rises from 0.5% to 4% in just 12 months, and HMRC abolishing landlords' Section 24 tax reliefs. Consequently, one in 10 landlords are now saying that they are selling up.

Alphaletz is a software company for landlords, and we have today announced that we want to do our bit to help, giving away a FREE Premium account which includes Open Banking for up to three properties.

As the founder of Alphaletz and a portfolio landlord too, I realise being a landlord is now harder than ever and we all need to treat our property investments as professional businesses.

There is just too much compliance and regulation to manage on a spreadsheet and the market is well overdue some new modern software to make landlords lives easier.

Bold decision

That's why we made the bold decision to give our product away so that landlords can set up their own accounts and see how simple it can be.

I really hope that this will help keep landlords in the market, there is a desperate shortage of rental properties and landlords are selling up because it's just too hard!'

Alphaletz was founded over three years ago to solve the problem that many landlords face of having to manage their portfolios on spreadsheets or other home-made systems that were never designed for property management.

The world has gone digital and even HMRC are talking about Making Tax Digital in 2026 for landlords too. Sooner or later, we will all have to migrate to new ways of working, so we want to help people get started now and see just how easy it is.

 '�Landlords need a better and easier way of working and are trying really hard to keep up with all the changes, we could tell by the overwhelming response we had from new users setting up new accounts after the webinar' he also said '�we also gave away lots of free resources too like Tenant Application Forms, Inventory Report templates and more that users could download. Landlords want more control, and we are building a community and product to help them'

Who is Richard Jackson?

He is the co-founder of Alphaletz, a software system designed specifically for landlords and property managers to help them save time and money. It is an official partner with LandlordZONE.

Richard co-hosted a webinar last week on the Renters' Reform Bill with Paul Shamplina with over 1,000 registrations.



