MP Jacob Rees-Mogg has turned on Tory colleagues by labelling the Renters (Reform) Bill “desperate tinkering at the edges” which won’t help landlords or tenants.
The outspoken MP said the bill was a “socialist error” by the government, replacing freedom with central control.
Rees-Mogg reserved most of his criticism for banning Section 21, which he said currently reassures landlords they can get their properties back, and that this guarantee increases supply.
“The knowledge their property can be taken back without giving a specific reason encourages landlords to come into the market, thereby increasing supply and lowering prices for tenants,” he told viewers. “Sometimes with a difficult tenant, it’s easier to say please leave under Section 21 instead of it going on their record. Everybody gains.”
Rees-Mogg. speaking on GB News, said the private rented sector boom had begun when Section 21 came in, and that this helped mobility of labour and increased economic opportunity.
Housing Secretary Michael Gove’s latest announcement to grant councils powers to force second homeowners to apply for planning permission and to set up a national register also incurred the MP’s ire. “What right does the government have? It’s your property - why can’t you let it out?” he asked.
“Flexible letting arrangements encourage tourism,” added Rees-Mogg. “This announcement won’t help the housing shortage which is caused by a failure to build more houses because of an over-bureaucratic planning system. More regulations are likely to make it worse.”
He said if costs were lower for landlords, costs would be lower for tenants. “If we make renting more difficult for landlords, that imposes costs onto renters, then supply falls and prices rise. We should make it easier for people to let properties and bring prices down.”