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Huge HMO prevention scheme launched by big Midlands city

coventry hmo scheme

Coventry has gone ahead with a huge new scheme to prevent properties being converted into HMOs without full planning permission.

Following a public consultation, it has placed Article 4 restrictions in 11 out of 18 wards within the city which have the highest concentration of HMOs; in Cheylesmore, Earlsdon, Foleshill, Lower Stoke, Radford, St. Michaels, Sherbourne, Wainbody, Whoberley, Westwood and Upper Stoke.

Coventry already has an additional licensing scheme for smaller HMOs and has set up a free, voluntary accreditation scheme in a bid to raise standards in the sector.


Sian Thuraisingham, of Chapelfields Residents and Traders Association, welcomed the new scheme and hopes it will improve the neighbourhood.

She says properties that were previously family homes are now occupied by five or six adults living in an HMO, which often leads to problems of excess litter, parking problems and a more transient population.

Thuraisingham adds: “Now the policy is in place we want to make the community aware so that they can report any development work. It’s important we have the right balance of housing in the area.”

Councillor David Welsh (pictured), cabinet member for housing and communities, says residents have campaigned for the change and is pleased the council has delivered the policy.

He adds that although HMOs are important, the city also needs affordable family houses.

“I want to improve the quality of HMOs by making sure that anyone who wants to convert a home to an HMO has to get planning permission. Anyone looking to develop will need to meet a list of standards that they won’t have had to meet previously.”

Ultimate guide to running an HMO


Hmo clampdown
Planning law

