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Is your area included? 2024 sees record 25 licencing schemes begin

property licencing

2024 looks set to become a record-breaking year for landlord licensing, with 25 new schemes and consultations launched so far across the UK.

Geospatial technology company Kamma reports that schemes are due to start in Islington, Haringey, and North Yorkshire within the next month, which puts this year on track to exceed 2023’s record of 32 new additional and selective schemes.

Other areas that have seen schemes unveiled this year and existing ones extendded so far include Liverpool, Manchester, Brighton & Hove, Bristol, Newcastle, Lewisham, Peterborough and Redditch.

London’s property licensing fines have now surpassed £10 million and the capital is likely to see the highest level of fines levied against rogue landlords and letting agents.

Kamma points to regularly changing regulations and increasing complexity in property licensing - with nearly one-third of selective licensing schemes focused at street level – meaning agents and landlords need to keep up to speed.

Future trends

Its upcoming free webinar - The Rising Complexity of Property Licensing in 2024 - on 23rd May at 11am, hopes to help with the education process by studying current requirements and expected future trends.

Speakers - Chris Morgan, Kamma’s COO plus Samantha Watkin, senior policy officer at the NRLA and Jeremy Shalson from The HMO Licensing Company - will discuss topics including the Renters (Reform) Bill, fines and risks involved with property licences and technology to automate portfolio monitoring.

“In this dynamic environment, staying informed and adapting swiftly is key,” says Morgan. “Our webinar aims to provide the critical knowledge and tools needed for our attendees to navigate the complexities of property licensing with greater ease and confidence.”

Sign up for the event.


Selective licensing
Selective licensing

